Safe Respectful Learners
Woolbrook Public School provides our students with the opportunity to achieve their potential in a supportive environment, but also one that challenges them with high expectations for their success. We encourage parents to become more familiar with their children's progress and the teaching and learning strategies employed by our school.

Kids Matter
The Kids Matter initiative is aimed at developing children's resilience, coping mechanisms and mental wellness. Ultimately happy children are more successful learners.
Clubs and Community Engagement
During Terms 2 and 3 community members come into school and teach a subject for one hour a week for four weeks. These subjects have included candle making, marimbas, leatherwork, french knitting, cooking, science and magic tricks, knitting and athletics. Our community members really enjoy sharing their knowledge with the children.
Kids in the Kitchen
Twice a term our senior class cook for students and staff. Whilst they are learning teamwork and life skills it's also simply a lot of tasty fun.
Students benefit in many ways from being part of a Kindergarten to Year 6 classroom. Younger students have role-models in the class who show them the way and the older students develop their leadership skills and patience.
Media Team
Our senior media team write and publish their feature stories in our newsletter and on the website giving them great pride and responsibility for their work.
SRC - Student Representative Council
The council allows a platform for students to voice their opinions and show how they can affect change. Money is also raised for charities including Daffodil Day and The Biggest Afternoon Tea through pirate, crazy hair, jeans for genes and mufti days for gold coin donations. This also provides skills in teamwork, leadership and above all showing compassion and care for others.
Assemblies are run by students and twice a year they put on a play for our entertainment. Production consists of casting, acting, costumes and props all done by students.
We have an established Parents and Citizens Association to support our school providing extra funding for excursions and many BBQ's and cake stalls have been enjoyed.
Wild Rivers Alliance
We are a part of the Wild Rivers Alliance which includes Yarrowitch, Niangla and Nowendoc Schools. We all provide activities and opportunities each term for students across four schools to interact. Activities include sporting carnivals, author workshops, and multicultural, science and debating days. Students develop relationships with students from other schools which can sustain long term friendships and help with transition to high school.
Our school has been well represented in recent years by students participating at the district, regional and state level in athletics, swimming and cross country. The Primary Schools Sports Association challenges students to achieve their best in sport.
Our Gardens
Gardening is a well loved in our school. From painting the tyres we plant flowers in, growing plants from seeds and maintaining the vegetable garden everyone has a role to play. We encourage the garden to plate concept.
Woolbrook Public School is located in the village of Woolbrook in the southern New England Tablelands. The school has an enrolment drawn from the village and surrounding rural properties. There is a strong and relentless focus on literacy and numeracy, with flexible groupings utilised to optimise the learning of students at all stages. Technology is an integral part of each day's learning, seamlessly supporting the teaching of the Key Learning Areas. The school is a happy, stimulating, challenging and caring environment that delivers a rich and varied education. The school benefits greatly from involved parents and a very supportive community.